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All Directives based on the principles of the "New Approach"
New Approach directives (directives providing for CE marking) 兴元
Text of directive Subject (short title of directive) Ability
2006/95/EC  Low voltage
2009/105/EC Simple pressure vessels
88/373/EEC Safety of toys
89/106/EEC construction products
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility
2006/42/EC Machinery
89/686/EEC Personal protective equipment
90/384/EEC Non-automatic weighing instruments
90/385/EEC Active implantable medical devices
2009/142/EC Appliances burning gaseous fuels
92/42/EEC Efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses
93/42/EEC Medical devices
94/9/EC Equipment explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
94/25/EC Recreational craft
95/16/EC Lift
97/23/EC Pressure equipment
98/79/EC In vitro diagnostic medical devices
1999/5/EC Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and the Mutual Recognition of their Conformity  
2000/9/EC Cableway installations designed to carry persons  
2004/22/EC Measuring instruments
Directives based on the principles of the New Approach or the Global Approach, but which do not provide for CE marking  
94/62/EC Packaging and packaging waste
96/48/EC Interoperability of trans-European high-speed rail system  
96/98/EC Marine equipment
2001/16/EC Interoperability of trans-European conventional rail system  
Directives based on some principles of the New Approach and the Global Approach  
96/57/EC Energy efficiency requirements for household electric refrigerators, freezers and combinations thereof 
1999/36/EC Transportable pressure equipment
2000/14/EC Noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
2000/55/EC Energy efficiency requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lighting  
Other standards-receptive directives  
86/594/EEC Airborne noise emitted by household appliances  
2001/95/EC General product safety
97/67/EC Community postal services  
76/769/EEC Restrictions on marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations  
92/75/EC Energy labelling of household appliances  
2002/96/EC Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)