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1. ISO 81060-1:2007  Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for non-automated measurement type http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfStandards/detail.cfm?standard__identification_no=29530
适用于非自动测量(如手动 或 需与听筒配合使用)的无创血压测量设备,规定了基本安全和基本性能的要求。
This part of ISO 81060 specifies requirements for non-automated sphygmomanometers, as defined in 3.11, and their accessories, which, by means of inflatable cuffs, are used for the non-invasive blood pressure measurement by operator observation.
This part of ISO 81060 specifies requirements for the safety and essential performance, including effectiveness and labelling, for non-automated sphygmomanometers and their accessories, including test methods to determine the accuracy of non-invasive blood pressure measurement.
The part of ISO 81060 covers non-invasive blood pressure measurement devices with a pressure-sensing element and display used in conjunction with means of detecting blood flow.
2. ISO 81060-2:2009 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 2: Clinical validation of automated measurement type
This part of ISO 81060 specifies the requirements and methods for the clinical validation of me equipment used for the intermittent non-invasive automatic estimation of the arterial blood pressure by utilizing a cuff.
This part of ISO 81060 is applicable to all sphygmomanometers that sense or display pulsations, flow or sounds for the estimation, display or recording of blood pressure. These sphygmomanometers need not have automatic cuff inflation.
This part of ISO 81060 covers sphygmomanometers intended for use in all patient populations (e.g. all age and weight ranges), and all conditions of use (e.g. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, stress testing blood pressure monitoring and blood pressure monitors for the home healthcare environment or self-measurement).
EXAMPLE Automated sphygmomanometer as given in IEC 80601-2-30 validated by this part of ISO 81060.
This part of ISO 81060 specifies additional disclosure requirements for the accompanying documents of sphygmomanometers validated according to this part of ISO 81060.
This part of ISO 81060 is not applicable to the validation of non-automated sphygmomanometers as given in ISO 81060-1 or invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment as given in IEC 60601-2-34.
     这个标准规定了 自动测量的、通过袖带测量的无创血压设备 在临床验证方面的要求和方法。
  这个标准覆盖了 预期用途用于所有分布的患者(如:所有年龄和重量范围的患者)、所有应用条件(动态血压监测设备、静止的血压监测设备,包括用于家庭的自我测量血压计)的血压测量设备。
  举例: IEC 80601-2-30适用的血压测量设备的临床验证就是遵循此标准(ISO 81060-2.)
  这个标准不适用于ISO 81060-1 所提的非自动测量血压设备,也不适用于IEC 60601-2-34所提的有创血压测量设备。
3. IEC 80601-2-30:2009  Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated noninvasive sphygmomanometers
  适用于 电子类的无创血压测量设备,规定了基本安全和基本性能方面的要求。
  Scope (适用范围,引自该标准的描述):
This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of AUTOMATED SPHYGMOMANOMETERS, hereafter referred to as ME EQUIPMENT, which by means of an inflatable CUFF, are used for intermittent indirect measurement of the BLOOD PRESSURE without arterial puncture.
This standard specifies requirements for the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE for this ME EQUIPMENT and its ACCESSORIES, including the requirements for the accuracy of a DETERMINATION.
This standard covers electrically-powered intermittent, indirect measurement of the BLOOD PRESSURE without arterial puncture, ME EQUIPMENT with automatic methods for estimating BLOOD PRESSURE, including BLOOD PRESSURE monitors for the HOME HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT.
Requirements for indirect measurement of the BLOOD PRESSURE without arterial puncture ME EQUIPMENT with an electrically-powered PRESSURE TRANSDUCER and/or displays used in conjunction with a stethoscope or other manual methods for determining BLOOD PRESSURE (NON-AUTOMATED SPHYGMOMANOMETERS) are specified in document ISO 81060-1.
  对于非入侵的间接测量、电源供电压力传感器 和/或 需同听筒配合使用的或其他手动测量方式的 血压计,ISO 81060-1的规定了其要求。
无创血压测量设备 新旧版本标准对应关系
EN 1060-1:1995+A2:2009
EN 1060-3:1997+A2:2009
IEC 80601-2-30: 2009
EN 80601-2-30:2010
EN 60601-2-30:2000 或
IEC 60601-2-30:1999
EN 1060-1:1995+A2:2009
EN 1060-2:1995+A1:2009
ISO 81060-1:2007
ANSI/AAMI SP10:2002//A1:2003/ A2:2006/(R)2008
EN 1060-4:2004
ISO 81060-2:2009