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检测服务 / LED灯管申请UL认证做UL1598C标准

Critical installation guidelines
1. Retrofit Luminaire Conversion Kits are intended for installation by qualified individuals with knowledge of luminaires, electrical wiring, and lighting components.
2. Before installation, a thorough review of the luminaire and the kit installation instructions is necessary to verify that the retrofit kit is appropriate for the luminaire. In some cases, kit installation instructions may be found on the manufacturer's website.
3. Follow the installation instructions. Note that one of the most important instructions is to disconnect the luminaire from the power source before beginning any installation procedure.
4. Review and follow the instructions for preparation of the existing luminaire prior to installation of the kit and note all warnings and other instructions with respect to kit limitations.
5. When retrofitting fluorescent luminaries using bi-pin lampholders where the existing lampholders are intended to be reused, special considerations are required as noted below:
a. Some fluorescent luminaires use bi-pin lampholders with an internal short circuit (also known as a shunt) between the lampholder contacts. The retrofit cannot be installed in luminaires employing shunted bi-pin lampholders when the retrofit kit instructions specify that line and neutral power are to be connected to the same lampholder. This construction will result in a short-circuit condition in the shunted lampholder and pose a potential fire or electric shock hazard. Shunted lamp holders are found only in fluorescent luminaires with Instant-Start ballasts. Instant-start ballasts can be identified by the words "Instant Start" or "I.S." marked on the ballast. This designation may be in the form of a statement on the ballast itself, or may be combined with the marking for the lamps with which the ballast is intended to be used, for example F40T12/IS. For more information, contact the LED luminaire retrofit kit manufacturer.
b. Push-in terminals of existing fluorescent lampholders are not intended to have wires removed and reinstalled . If rewiring and/or connections to existing fluorescent lampholders are indicated by the installation instructions, the connections shall be made by splicing the lampholder leads using an appropriate UL ceritified splicing means.
6. Use only the exact replacement parts provided with the kit or reuse existing luminaire parts if specifically directed to by the kit installation instructions.
Critical maintenance and relamping guidelines
Lamp replacement markings must be followed to avoid risk of fire or electric shock hazard.
1. Where replaceable LED lamps are used in a converted luminaire it is important to follow the markings added to the luminaire describing the exact replacement lamps that must be used for proper operation.
2. Use of anything other than the exact replacement lamp specified for the converted luminaire could pose a risk of shock or fire when installed in the luminaire.
3. Follow the instructions for insertion of replacement lamps since orientation and specific polarity may be required for the luminaire to properly operate
 在此之前,UL不断用UL8750,UL1993,UL1310来考核这类LED灯管,CCN为 OOLV3+IEUQ。